The year 2021 marks the 50-year anniversary of the first arrival of Okomfohene Nana Akua Oparebea in America. As the Chief Priest of the Akonnedi Shrine Nana Oparebea initiated the first generation of African-Americans into Akom – the traditional religion of the Akan people of Ghana in conjunction with the support of Nana Yao Opare Dinizulu I. Over the course of several trips to America, Nana Oparebea enabled African Americans in search of their true identity to become knowledgeable and experienced in African culture and religion.
We are a global community-driven conference celebrating culture and spiritual healing.
Akom has become a well-established way of life for many Diasporas living in America, Canada and the Caribbean.
As a result of the efforts of Nana Oparebea, Akom has changed the way many people view themselves and the role of spirit in daily life. Spiritual healings have taken place. Pan-African schools have been built. Family-life and cultural practices have been transformed.
In 1971, Okomfohene Nana Akua Oparebea accepted
Nana Yao Opare Dinizulu’s invitation to travel to America.
It was the first time that a Guan priest of such stature had traveled to this country voluntarily. During the visit Nana Oparebea lived with the family of Nana Dinizulu and helped him with the work of the shrines of Nana Asuo Gyebi and
Nana Esi that he brought to American in 1965. In addition, she established the Tigare shrines in New York under the care of Nana Dinizulu and taught him how to train Akomfo to serve the deities according to the Larteh system.
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